ICAMSR - International Committee Against Mars Sample Return

ICAMSR will occationally post interviews with Barry DiGregorio and people from the scientific community regarding life on Mars, planetary protection, and sample return.

The Space Show

The Space Show
Interviews with Barry DiGregorio discussing a wide variety of topics such as his new book "Discovery on Vera Rubin Ridge-Trace Fossils On Mars?", Mars Sample Return, COVID-19, Planetary Protection, Mars Life Detection experiements, Mars Rover, and more.

Patrick Rowan's Skywatch: 40 years after Viking landing questions remain about life on Mars

Patrick Rowan's Skywatch: 40 years after Viking landing questions remain about life on Mars
Interview with Dr. Gilbert Levin discussing the LR Experiment aboard the Viking Landers, the LR positive results, the struggle to prove the LR positive results came from biological processes, and NASA's refusal to fly life detection experiments in the four decades since Viking.

The Unexplained With Howard Hughes

The Unexplained With Howard Hughes
On this podcast Barry DiGregorio discuss the origins of ICAMSR, life on Mars, Mars Sample Return, the 35 years spent with Dr. Gilbert Levin and Dr. Patricia Straat trying to get their 1976 Viking biology data re-analyzed, my new book DISOVERY ON VERA RUBIN RIDGE: TRACE FOSSILS ON MARS and much more.

Read the interview

The Calm Before The Storm: An Interview With Dr. Gilbert Levin
In a little over one month, the British built Beagle 2 exobiology lander will look for signs of extinct or extant life on the surface of Mars. Not since NASA's Viking mission 27 years ago has another search for life on Mars been attempted. Since the Viking mission, one has to wonder why there are still important questions left behind - such as: are there organic molecules from either life and meteorites laying on the surface? Or are they destroyed by the hypothetical oxidants many NASA researchers say are certainly there? One of the Principal Investigators for the NASA Viking biology team was Dr. Gilbert V. Levin who invented and built the Viking Labeled Release Experiment.

Last updated November 16, 2021.
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